Czech National Library

Czech National Library

CZ, Praha


Reálné objekty mají těla, tělo je plné. Což neznamená, že v něm nejsou žádné dutiny, prolákliny a podobně; ty sice k tělu patří, nejsou však jeho částí.
Místa jsou místa v prostoru. Prostor je nejobsáhlejším místem; všechna ostatní místa jsou jeho částmi. Všechny možné tvary jsou tedy uloženy v prostoru. O možných tvarech různých těl rozhoduje prostor.
Když je země připravena, je na ní položena čtvercová deska mandaly.

The cube is the most perfect spatial form: Kaaba = cube

  1. The internal and external impression is as harmonious and symbiotic as possible
  2. The principle of fractals is timeless and beyond design trends
  3. A fractal layout makes possible a complete sense of orientation even in a labyrinth
  4. The full & open elements of a fractal are spaces freighted with meaning
  5. The lightwells (apertures) on the 6 sides ensure there is sufficient lighting inside
  6. All spaces are flexible – the frame of the building is cubic
  7. The layout of the public and utilitarian spaces use lightwells, iterations
  8. Within one module, a fractal structure reflects the whole in its parts and the parts in the whole

This design for the Czech National Library building is based on Menger's sponge. This cube is divided along nine basic horizontal divisions, each one-ninth of its edge, creating 9 basic levels (the number of floors). Each of these levels is also, for practical reasons, divided into 2 halves; in other words, the basis of the design is a cube divided into 17 floors. Part of the building is sunk below ground level.

The load of the building is borne by a reinforced concrete frame of enclosed hollow girders (both vertical and horizontal). The configuration of the girder module is 6.3 metres.

This scale and also the dimensions of the horizontal profiles of the girder make it possible to create a variable network of hollow walls between the girders, into which it is possible to install other large-profile systems, such as ventilation and central heating systems.

Lubomír Gavalec
Jakub Tejkl
Marek Topič


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